Teleflora's Splendid Surprise
Teleflora's Splendid Surprise
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$70.00 CAD
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$70.00 CAD
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Experience love at first sight with Splendid Surprise by Teleflora. Vibrant green miniature hydrangea and delicate lavender roses create an extra-sweet bouquet, enhanced by accents of purple alstroemeria and maroon miniature carnations. Presented in a fuchsia glass cube, this stunning arrangement is the perfect way to show your love. Indulge in an exquisite arrangement of vibrant green miniature hydrangea, delicate lavender roses, and luxurious purple alstroemeria and maroon miniature carnations. Presented in an elegant fuchsia glass cube, Splendid Surprise by Teleflora is the perfect way to express your deep affection.