Teleflora's Honey Lavender Blooms Bouquet
Teleflora's Honey Lavender Blooms Bouquet
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$75.00 CAD
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$75.00 CAD
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This luxurious rose bouquet will add a special touch to any day with its soft purple hues. It features lavender roses, white alstroemeria, lavender lisianthus, lavender larkspur, white cushion spray chrysanthemums, and lavender sinuata statice, all arranged in a soft white glass cube. The arrangement also includes dusty miller, leatherleaf fern, and silver dollar eucalyptus for added texture. It comes in Teleflora's Color Splash cube. Expertly crafted with a delicate mix of lavender and white blooms, this bouquet is perfect for adding an elegant touch to any occasion. Its luxurious arrangement of roses, alstroemeria, lisianthus, larkspur, chrysanthemums, and statice is beautifully complemented by the unique addition of dusty miller, leatherleaf fern, and silver dollar eucalyptus. With Teleflora's signature Color Splash cube, this bouquet is sure to make a statement. Elevate any day with the soothing, calming colors and textures of the Honey Lavender Blooms Bouquet.