Teleflora's Purest Love Bouquet
Teleflora's Purest Love Bouquet
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$95.00 CAD
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$95.00 CAD
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Experience pure luxury with Teleflora's Purest Love Bouquet. This snow-white arrangement boasts fragrant lilies, lush hydrangea, and delicate alstroemeria, carefully arranged in our Couture vase for an elegant look. With hydrangea, Asiatic lilies, alstroemeria, and more, this bouquet is the perfect expression of pure love. Designed for those with discerning tastes, this stunning arrangement features a custom blend of fragrant lilies, hydrangea, and alstroemeria, all arranged in our signature Couture vase. Each stem was carefully chosen for its premium quality, delivering an elegant look and a sensory experience that is truly unforgettable. With an impressive variety of blooms, this bouquet exemplifies the purity of true love.